
"Por favor, cuidem uns dos outros porque a vida é uma intensa viagem, é um imenso carrossel de emoções onde a alegria e a tristeza caminham juntas. Sempre que oramos e vigiamos fazemos com que a vida torne-se suave. Quando transformamos a nossa angústia, o nosso pesadelo em uma imensa nuvem precisamos usar o travesseiro da compaixão para pousarmos a nossa consciência.

Somos frutos de um mesmo Criador! Não importa a religião que professamos, importa o amor que emanamos. Esse é o ensinamento: 'Amai-vos uns aos outros!'."


Texto psicografado pela médium:

domingo, 25 de março de 2012


Dear children dressed in renewal spirituality!

As I’ve been promised you earlier, picked quotations 
from some of the pages of the book entitled “Podium da Imortalidade” (Podium of Immortality, in Portuguese) published in 2000, being his editor the Professor Dr. Ernani José de Carvalho Pacheco, to whom the spirits, perispirits and I are and will be forever grateful.

To the publishing Juruá, wich has been in the vanguard, this editor and his entire team, our love!


Page 58

[Dialogue between Michael and Bernardo (it would be Senna?)]
- No, this is not madness, it is inspiration or ... illuminated intuition we had a few months after the fatal accident. Many men, women and children cried and I cried because you symbolized the determination, the enthusiasm, the universal winning, regardless of race, creed or social status. When I tell “you”, I mean the spirit and the body that made a decent story, so let me show you all of this through the sound and the dance, my brother. You owe me, ok?

Page 59

- As a spirit I already knew, and my body was guided by the same missionary - Bernardo completed.
- Missionary and emissary - fixed André Luiz that, serenely continued. - All of us are connected by the holy ties of eternal spiritual fellowship, and this, places us in a privileged position. Our meetings here in this dimension, are facilitated by our past life times ...
- André and Michael ... here are in perispirit, and Bernardo and John in spirit. If you think it is feasible, my friend, you can trigger buttons, including the astral body of who generated you in flash. Bring us Jacob!

Page 60

The celestial rays of light showed up, forming a protection for the bodies of astral travelers, and the golden rays ensured the appearance through of the cone spiral, of a disembodied spirit, in other words, the one who, in one of his terrestrial lives was called John Lennon. This, when seeing the astral body of Paul, hugged him at length to then tell you very emotional:
-Paul, my old and dear friend "Indian Pennylane" is a gift of God be able to hug you in perispirit. I’ve missed your matter, very stubborn, and I care about you and all your family. During these last months, I had permission to visit you on the terrestrial plane and I’ve been by your side while you were recording in the studio.

Page 68

[Dialogue between John and Bernardo (Senna it would be?)]
- I was telling to the astral body of Paul that I want to use a pseudonym such as "Indian from Liverpool." What do you think?
- Using your free will, may say to men that you do not believe the end of Christianity, but in a possible renewal. You can tell Yoko that still loves her and will love her forever, after all she is your soulmate. What harm exists to satisfy the curiosity of the brethren that dwell on the terrestrial plane? (...)
In one of our conversations in the vicinity of the Musical Field in Our Spiritual Home, you, knowing that I had lived in Brazil my last reincarnation, confided to me that you regretted Tues disembodied before met my country ...

Page 69

- Hard times are over, Vannucci?
- John, hard times always cease when we have strength, faith in God!
- Not everyone doubts of immortality, but the fear of the unknown is perfectly understood. We also had it when we were living in a physical garment. But, fortunately, came our time to believe in immortality before we came here. Everything has its time, and ours is now, is to collaborate to ensure that brothers not to fear terrestrial facing life and death because they are both sequences and consequences. Here, we have five or six astral travelers, and when they lose their terrestrial covering will be trained much more than us. We were once like them, but in a very reduced time. See, Bernardo had seven years and some months of training out of his body and whether he had corporeal life till eighty years, would have much more mobility than today. It is not true, champion?

Page 70

- Why not call "Indian of Jesus Cristo" or "Indian of Nossa Senhora" and you’ll see that he identifies himself. Use the immediate effect, "São Tantas Emoções..."
- Andre! I did not like your immediate effects! If you keep handing me I will be compelled to use some nicknames for you, wanna see? Can I call him "Indian Pai ", "Indian Gira Mundo", "Indian Intuição" or ...
- Or what? - Andre asked face flushed.
- " Indian Obrigadu." Can help him because he fainted, had a perispiritual stroke.

Page 71

- Let the magic, the intuition in the terrestrial world to find you. Your body performs the dance of the spirit, detaching itself, and it’s not just a dream is a reality, my brother. All of us subtly, baptized and we use pseudonyms, just missed you. Have you found yours?
- I always use my real name, but as I have left no alternative, then I will be the "Indian Thriller". What do you think?
Set the pseudonym of him who reigned Egypt, the "Indian from Liverpool" has drawn attention to itself.
- Brothers, I did a song to my eternal friend and called Ballad to Paul McCartney. Do you wanna hear?
Watch the video posted on the right sidebar of this blog or the link:

Front of presentation of these simpletons passages, I bid farewell signing in your hearts, your souls and spirits with the power of the ray, the brightness of the lightning and the hiccup of thunder!
Hail Christ! Love you!
"Peace on earth towards men of good will!"

Bibliographic references:
Aguiar, Carmen Faini of Tiepolo. “O Podium da Imortalidade” . Curitiba: Juruá, 2000.

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